J.Krishnamurti to Himself - Part 1

The following content reflects solely my views on the words spoken by the late J.K in 1983, which were later compiled into a book. Supposedly, this is his final work, and two years later, in 1986, he passed away in his pine cottage home.

J.K begins by discussing a tree he sees daily early in the morning. He describes how the sun falls on the trees, making them shine when touched by its rays. He reflects on how the nature of trees changes whenever the sun touches them, emphasizing their perpetual beauty.

J.K mentions that the tree always looks beautiful, no matter what. He considers the tree a great companion and urges everyone to sit with it in its shadows. This connection with nature is not like a sentimental or romantic relationship but a way of healing.

Connecting with nature is a means of healing. There will be no noise of words in our heads, no fearful thoughts about the past, present, or future if we are sensitive enough to connect and feel with nature.

If we connect with nature, our minds will be at peace. With a peaceful mind, there will be no place for hate or anger. Without hate or anger, we will not harm or kill any living creatures. That is why J.K insists that connecting with nature is the only way to healing.

J.K continues to talk about the most harmful thing humans ever do: WAR. Be it any kind of war, if a human connects with nature—trees, animals, birds, etc.—they would also connect with humankind and not harm anything on Earth.'

"We have never said that to kill another human being is the greatest sin on earth." - J.Krishnamurti.

J.Krishnamurti to Himself - Part 2: https://rohiniverse.blogspot.com/2024/02/jkrishnamurti-to-himself-part-2.html



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